- import EwmaBandWidthEstimator from '../utils/ewma-bandwidth-estimator';
- import { Events } from '../events';
- import { ErrorDetails, ErrorTypes } from '../errors';
- import { PlaylistLevelType } from '../types/loader';
- import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
- import type { Fragment } from '../loader/fragment';
- import type { Part } from '../loader/fragment';
- import type { LoaderStats } from '../types/loader';
- import type Hls from '../hls';
- import type {
- FragLoadingData,
- FragLoadedData,
- FragBufferedData,
- ErrorData,
- LevelLoadedData,
- } from '../types/events';
- import type { ComponentAPI } from '../types/component-api';
- class AbrController implements ComponentAPI {
- protected hls: Hls;
- private lastLoadedFragLevel: number = 0;
- private _nextAutoLevel: number = -1;
- private timer?: number;
- private onCheck: Function = this._abandonRulesCheck.bind(this);
- private fragCurrent: Fragment | null = null;
- private partCurrent: Part | null = null;
- private bitrateTestDelay: number = 0;
- public readonly bwEstimator: EwmaBandWidthEstimator;
- constructor(hls: Hls) {
- this.hls = hls;
- const config = hls.config;
- this.bwEstimator = new EwmaBandWidthEstimator(
- config.abrEwmaSlowVoD,
- config.abrEwmaFastVoD,
- config.abrEwmaDefaultEstimate
- );
- this.registerListeners();
- }
- protected registerListeners() {
- const { hls } = this;
- hls.on(Events.FRAG_LOADING, this.onFragLoading, this);
- hls.on(Events.FRAG_LOADED, this.onFragLoaded, this);
- hls.on(Events.FRAG_BUFFERED, this.onFragBuffered, this);
- hls.on(Events.LEVEL_LOADED, this.onLevelLoaded, this);
- hls.on(Events.ERROR, this.onError, this);
- }
- protected unregisterListeners() {
- const { hls } = this;
-, this.onFragLoading, this);
-, this.onFragLoaded, this);
-, this.onFragBuffered, this);
-, this.onLevelLoaded, this);
-, this.onError, this);
- }
- public destroy() {
- this.unregisterListeners();
- this.clearTimer();
- // @ts-ignore
- this.hls = this.onCheck = null;
- this.fragCurrent = this.partCurrent = null;
- }
- protected onFragLoading(event: Events.FRAG_LOADING, data: FragLoadingData) {
- const frag = data.frag;
- if (frag.type === PlaylistLevelType.MAIN) {
- if (!this.timer) {
- this.fragCurrent = frag;
- this.partCurrent = data.part ?? null;
- this.timer = self.setInterval(this.onCheck, 100);
- }
- }
- }
- protected onLevelLoaded(event: Events.LEVEL_LOADED, data: LevelLoadedData) {
- const config = this.hls.config;
- if ( {
- this.bwEstimator.update(config.abrEwmaSlowLive, config.abrEwmaFastLive);
- } else {
- this.bwEstimator.update(config.abrEwmaSlowVoD, config.abrEwmaFastVoD);
- }
- }
- /*
- This method monitors the download rate of the current fragment, and will downswitch if that fragment will not load
- quickly enough to prevent underbuffering
- */
- private _abandonRulesCheck() {
- const { fragCurrent: frag, partCurrent: part, hls } = this;
- const { autoLevelEnabled, media } = hls;
- if (!frag || !media) {
- return;
- }
- const stats: LoaderStats = part ? part.stats : frag.stats;
- const duration = part ? part.duration : frag.duration;
- // If frag loading is aborted, complete, or from lowest level, stop timer and return
- if (
- stats.aborted ||
- (stats.loaded && stats.loaded === ||
- frag.level === 0
- ) {
- this.clearTimer();
- // reset forced auto level value so that next level will be selected
- this._nextAutoLevel = -1;
- return;
- }
- // This check only runs if we're in ABR mode and actually playing
- if (
- !autoLevelEnabled ||
- media.paused ||
- !media.playbackRate ||
- !media.readyState
- ) {
- return;
- }
- const bufferInfo = hls.mainForwardBufferInfo;
- if (bufferInfo === null) {
- return;
- }
- const requestDelay = - stats.loading.start;
- const playbackRate = Math.abs(media.playbackRate);
- // In order to work with a stable bandwidth, only begin monitoring bandwidth after half of the fragment has been loaded
- if (requestDelay <= (500 * duration) / playbackRate) {
- return;
- }
- const loadedFirstByte = stats.loaded && stats.loading.first;
- const bwEstimate: number = this.bwEstimator.getEstimate();
- const { levels, minAutoLevel } = hls;
- const level = levels[frag.level];
- const expectedLen =
- ||
- Math.max(stats.loaded, Math.round((duration * level.maxBitrate) / 8));
- const loadRate = loadedFirstByte ? (stats.loaded * 1000) / requestDelay : 0;
- // fragLoadDelay is an estimate of the time (in seconds) it will take to buffer the remainder of the fragment
- const fragLoadedDelay = loadRate
- ? (expectedLen - stats.loaded) / loadRate
- : (expectedLen * 8) / bwEstimate;
- // bufferStarvationDelay is an estimate of the amount time (in seconds) it will take to exhaust the buffer
- const bufferStarvationDelay = bufferInfo.len / playbackRate;
- // Only downswitch if the time to finish loading the current fragment is greater than the amount of buffer left
- if (fragLoadedDelay <= bufferStarvationDelay) {
- return;
- }
- let fragLevelNextLoadedDelay: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- let nextLoadLevel: number;
- // Iterate through lower level and try to find the largest one that avoids rebuffering
- for (
- nextLoadLevel = frag.level - 1;
- nextLoadLevel > minAutoLevel;
- nextLoadLevel--
- ) {
- // compute time to load next fragment at lower level
- // 0.8 : consider only 80% of current bw to be conservative
- // 8 = bits per byte (bps/Bps)
- const levelNextBitrate = levels[nextLoadLevel].maxBitrate;
- fragLevelNextLoadedDelay = loadRate
- ? (duration * levelNextBitrate) / (8 * 0.8 * loadRate)
- : (duration * levelNextBitrate) / bwEstimate;
- if (fragLevelNextLoadedDelay < bufferStarvationDelay) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Only emergency switch down if it takes less time to load a new fragment at lowest level instead of continuing
- // to load the current one
- if (fragLevelNextLoadedDelay >= fragLoadedDelay) {
- return;
- }
- logger.warn(`Fragment ${}${
- part ? ' part ' + part.index : ''
- } of level ${
- frag.level
- } is loading too slowly and will cause an underbuffer; aborting and switching to level ${nextLoadLevel}
- Current BW estimate: ${
- Number.isFinite(bwEstimate) ? (bwEstimate / 1024).toFixed(3) : 'Unknown'
- } Kb/s
- Estimated load time for current fragment: ${fragLoadedDelay.toFixed(3)} s
- Estimated load time for the next fragment: ${fragLevelNextLoadedDelay.toFixed(
- 3
- )} s
- Time to underbuffer: ${bufferStarvationDelay.toFixed(3)} s`);
- hls.nextLoadLevel = nextLoadLevel;
- if (loadedFirstByte) {
- // If there has been loading progress, sample bandwidth
- this.bwEstimator.sample(requestDelay, stats.loaded);
- }
- this.clearTimer();
- if (frag.loader || frag.keyLoader) {
- this.fragCurrent = this.partCurrent = null;
- frag.abortRequests();
- }
- hls.trigger(Events.FRAG_LOAD_EMERGENCY_ABORTED, { frag, part, stats });
- }
- protected onFragLoaded(
- event: Events.FRAG_LOADED,
- { frag, part }: FragLoadedData
- ) {
- if (
- frag.type === PlaylistLevelType.MAIN &&
- Number.isFinite( as number)
- ) {
- const stats = part ? part.stats : frag.stats;
- const duration = part ? part.duration : frag.duration;
- // stop monitoring bw once frag loaded
- this.clearTimer();
- // store level id after successful fragment load
- this.lastLoadedFragLevel = frag.level;
- // reset forced auto level value so that next level will be selected
- this._nextAutoLevel = -1;
- // compute level average bitrate
- if (this.hls.config.abrMaxWithRealBitrate) {
- const level = this.hls.levels[frag.level];
- const loadedBytes =
- (level.loaded ? level.loaded.bytes : 0) + stats.loaded;
- const loadedDuration =
- (level.loaded ? level.loaded.duration : 0) + duration;
- level.loaded = { bytes: loadedBytes, duration: loadedDuration };
- level.realBitrate = Math.round((8 * loadedBytes) / loadedDuration);
- }
- if (frag.bitrateTest) {
- const fragBufferedData: FragBufferedData = {
- stats,
- frag,
- part,
- id: frag.type,
- };
- this.onFragBuffered(Events.FRAG_BUFFERED, fragBufferedData);
- }
- }
- }
- protected onFragBuffered(
- event: Events.FRAG_BUFFERED,
- data: FragBufferedData
- ) {
- const { frag, part } = data;
- const stats = part ? part.stats : frag.stats;
- if (stats.aborted) {
- return;
- }
- // Only count non-alt-audio frags which were actually buffered in our BW calculations
- if (frag.type !== PlaylistLevelType.MAIN || === 'initSegment') {
- return;
- }
- // Use the difference between parsing and request instead of buffering and request to compute fragLoadingProcessing;
- // rationale is that buffer appending only happens once media is attached. This can happen when config.startFragPrefetch
- // is used. If we used buffering in that case, our BW estimate sample will be very large.
- const processingMs = stats.parsing.end - stats.loading.start;
- this.bwEstimator.sample(processingMs, stats.loaded);
- stats.bwEstimate = this.bwEstimator.getEstimate();
- if (frag.bitrateTest) {
- this.bitrateTestDelay = processingMs / 1000;
- } else {
- this.bitrateTestDelay = 0;
- }
- }
- protected onError(event: Events.ERROR, data: ErrorData) {
- // stop timer in case of frag loading error
- if (data.frag?.type === PlaylistLevelType.MAIN) {
- if (data.type === ErrorTypes.KEY_SYSTEM_ERROR) {
- this.clearTimer();
- return;
- }
- switch (data.details) {
- case ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR:
- case ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
- case ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_ERROR:
- case ErrorDetails.KEY_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
- this.clearTimer();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- clearTimer() {
- self.clearInterval(this.timer);
- this.timer = undefined;
- }
- // return next auto level
- get nextAutoLevel() {
- const forcedAutoLevel = this._nextAutoLevel;
- const bwEstimator = this.bwEstimator;
- // in case next auto level has been forced, and bw not available or not reliable, return forced value
- if (forcedAutoLevel !== -1 && !bwEstimator.canEstimate()) {
- return forcedAutoLevel;
- }
- // compute next level using ABR logic
- let nextABRAutoLevel = this.getNextABRAutoLevel();
- // use forced auto level when ABR selected level has errored
- if (forcedAutoLevel !== -1 && this.hls.levels[nextABRAutoLevel].loadError) {
- return forcedAutoLevel;
- }
- // if forced auto level has been defined, use it to cap ABR computed quality level
- if (forcedAutoLevel !== -1) {
- nextABRAutoLevel = Math.min(forcedAutoLevel, nextABRAutoLevel);
- }
- return nextABRAutoLevel;
- }
- private getNextABRAutoLevel() {
- const { fragCurrent, partCurrent, hls } = this;
- const { maxAutoLevel, config, minAutoLevel, media } = hls;
- const currentFragDuration = partCurrent
- ? partCurrent.duration
- : fragCurrent
- ? fragCurrent.duration
- : 0;
- // playbackRate is the absolute value of the playback rate; if media.playbackRate is 0, we use 1 to load as
- // if we're playing back at the normal rate.
- const playbackRate =
- media && media.playbackRate !== 0 ? Math.abs(media.playbackRate) : 1.0;
- const avgbw = this.bwEstimator
- ? this.bwEstimator.getEstimate()
- : config.abrEwmaDefaultEstimate;
- // bufferStarvationDelay is the wall-clock time left until the playback buffer is exhausted.
- const bufferInfo = hls.mainForwardBufferInfo;
- const bufferStarvationDelay =
- (bufferInfo ? bufferInfo.len : 0) / playbackRate;
- // First, look to see if we can find a level matching with our avg bandwidth AND that could also guarantee no rebuffering at all
- let bestLevel = this.findBestLevel(
- avgbw,
- minAutoLevel,
- maxAutoLevel,
- bufferStarvationDelay,
- config.abrBandWidthFactor,
- config.abrBandWidthUpFactor
- );
- if (bestLevel >= 0) {
- return bestLevel;
- }
- logger.trace(
- `${
- bufferStarvationDelay ? 'rebuffering expected' : 'buffer is empty'
- }, finding optimal quality level`
- );
- // not possible to get rid of rebuffering ... let's try to find level that will guarantee less than maxStarvationDelay of rebuffering
- // if no matching level found, logic will return 0
- let maxStarvationDelay = currentFragDuration
- ? Math.min(currentFragDuration, config.maxStarvationDelay)
- : config.maxStarvationDelay;
- let bwFactor = config.abrBandWidthFactor;
- let bwUpFactor = config.abrBandWidthUpFactor;
- if (!bufferStarvationDelay) {
- // in case buffer is empty, let's check if previous fragment was loaded to perform a bitrate test
- const bitrateTestDelay = this.bitrateTestDelay;
- if (bitrateTestDelay) {
- // if it is the case, then we need to adjust our max starvation delay using maxLoadingDelay config value
- // max video loading delay used in automatic start level selection :
- // in that mode ABR controller will ensure that video loading time (ie the time to fetch the first fragment at lowest quality level +
- // the time to fetch the fragment at the appropriate quality level is less than ```maxLoadingDelay``` )
- // cap maxLoadingDelay and ensure it is not bigger 'than bitrate test' frag duration
- const maxLoadingDelay = currentFragDuration
- ? Math.min(currentFragDuration, config.maxLoadingDelay)
- : config.maxLoadingDelay;
- maxStarvationDelay = maxLoadingDelay - bitrateTestDelay;
- logger.trace(
- `bitrate test took ${Math.round(
- 1000 * bitrateTestDelay
- )}ms, set first fragment max fetchDuration to ${Math.round(
- 1000 * maxStarvationDelay
- )} ms`
- );
- // don't use conservative factor on bitrate test
- bwFactor = bwUpFactor = 1;
- }
- }
- bestLevel = this.findBestLevel(
- avgbw,
- minAutoLevel,
- maxAutoLevel,
- bufferStarvationDelay + maxStarvationDelay,
- bwFactor,
- bwUpFactor
- );
- return Math.max(bestLevel, 0);
- }
- private findBestLevel(
- currentBw: number,
- minAutoLevel: number,
- maxAutoLevel: number,
- maxFetchDuration: number,
- bwFactor: number,
- bwUpFactor: number
- ): number {
- const {
- fragCurrent,
- partCurrent,
- lastLoadedFragLevel: currentLevel,
- } = this;
- const { levels } = this.hls;
- const level = levels[currentLevel];
- const live = !!level?.details?.live;
- const currentCodecSet = level?.codecSet;
- const currentFragDuration = partCurrent
- ? partCurrent.duration
- : fragCurrent
- ? fragCurrent.duration
- : 0;
- for (let i = maxAutoLevel; i >= minAutoLevel; i--) {
- const levelInfo = levels[i];
- if (
- !levelInfo ||
- (currentCodecSet && levelInfo.codecSet !== currentCodecSet)
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- const levelDetails = levelInfo.details;
- const avgDuration =
- (partCurrent
- ? levelDetails?.partTarget
- : levelDetails?.averagetargetduration) || currentFragDuration;
- let adjustedbw: number;
- // follow algorithm captured from stagefright :
- //
- // Pick the highest bandwidth stream below or equal to estimated bandwidth.
- // consider only 80% of the available bandwidth, but if we are switching up,
- // be even more conservative (70%) to avoid overestimating and immediately
- // switching back.
- if (i <= currentLevel) {
- adjustedbw = bwFactor * currentBw;
- } else {
- adjustedbw = bwUpFactor * currentBw;
- }
- const bitrate: number = levels[i].maxBitrate;
- const fetchDuration: number = (bitrate * avgDuration) / adjustedbw;
- logger.trace(
- `level/adjustedbw/bitrate/avgDuration/maxFetchDuration/fetchDuration: ${i}/${Math.round(
- adjustedbw
- )}/${bitrate}/${avgDuration}/${maxFetchDuration}/${fetchDuration}`
- );
- // if adjusted bw is greater than level bitrate AND
- if (
- adjustedbw > bitrate &&
- // fragment fetchDuration unknown OR live stream OR fragment fetchDuration less than max allowed fetch duration, then this level matches
- // we don't account for max Fetch Duration for live streams, this is to avoid switching down when near the edge of live sliding window ...
- // special case to support startLevel = -1 (bitrateTest) on live streams : in that case we should not exit loop so that findBestLevel will return -1
- (fetchDuration === 0 ||
- !Number.isFinite(fetchDuration) ||
- (live && !this.bitrateTestDelay) ||
- fetchDuration < maxFetchDuration)
- ) {
- // as we are looping from highest to lowest, this will return the best achievable quality level
- return i;
- }
- }
- // not enough time budget even with quality level 0 ... rebuffering might happen
- return -1;
- }
- set nextAutoLevel(nextLevel) {
- this._nextAutoLevel = nextLevel;
- }
- }
- export default AbrController;